Sleep Disorder? Try These Tips for Healthy Sleep!

sleep disorder

Sleep deprivation can be a very frustrating and exhausting experience. It can seem that no matter what you do or how hard you try, your brain and body refuse to fall asleep. This can leave you feeling drained throughout the day, fogging your judgment and hindering your motivation to get out and live life. It is estimated that around 50% of adults will experience some form of sleep disorder or deprivation.

Dr.Habib Khan and his team of specialists at the Arizona Institute of Neurology and Polysomnography help patients suffering from a range of sleep deprivation symptoms and sleep disorders. Each patient is unique and as such, the recommendation for how you can get better, more substantial sleep will vary. There’s a lot you can do to help yourself or a loved one enjoy better sleep, we have included some of the most effective methods below!

6 Tips to Combat Against Sleep Disorder

Avoid Heavy Meals Before Bed

While big meals can sometimes make people feel sluggish or lethargic, they can also seriously disrupt your sleep patterns. After eating a large meal, your gastrointestinal tract begins working to digest and move food through your system. There are a range of muscles required for this process and their contractions can keep you awake and restless.

Dark, Quiet, Cold

When sleep is an issue, the smallest distractions can leave you tossing and turning. If you sleep in an area where there is ambient lighting like a TV or computer, emitting lights, and sounds, try removing them or sleeping in another room! The optimal environment for healthy sleep is completely dark, silent, and below room temperature. This prevents distractions from disrupting your sleep cycle.

Weight Loss/ Diet 

Being overweight or obese can influence the quality of your sleep. This mainly occurs due to difficulty breathing. The added weight around your neck and chest can impede your ability to breathe properly and lead to conditions such as sleep apnea. By losing a healthy amount of weight, your airways will experience less obstruction and you will be able to sleep and breathe easier.

Consistent Sleep Routine

You can train your body over time with consistent routines. If are in bed and try to fall asleep at 10 pm every night, your body will grow accustomed to this pattern and will begin to wind down in anticipation of sleep. Irregular sleep habits can confuse the body and lead to restlessness.

Exercise Regularly

Physical exercise has a list of benefits that are almost too long to mention. One of the benefits of exercise is that it encourages deeper and more reliable sleep. Exercise is an excellent stress reliever, hormone regulator, and often uses up an abundant amount of energy. This energy use will help you fall asleep when the time comes. Your mind will be calm and your body will be tired. Studies suggest that routine exercise could be the most promising non-pharmacological way to encourage more effective sleep!

For more information, visit our sleep disorder page here!

Consult With A Specialist About Your Sleep Disorder

If you have seemingly tried everything and have had no success, you may require professional intervention to get a healthy night’s sleep. The team of experts at the Arizona Institute of Neurology and Polysomnography specializes in sleep disorders such as 

  • Sleep apnea, which causes abnormal patterns or pauses in breathing as you sleep
  • Insomnia, which may become long-term and make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night
  • Restless legs syndrome (RLS), is a sleep movement disorder that causes uncomfortable sensations in your legs and the urge to move your legs as you fall asleep
  • Narcolepsy, which causes extreme sleepiness during the day and may cause you to fall asleep suddenly when performing routine daily activities

Dr.Habib Khan might recommend a non-invasive sleep study, during which an electroencephalogram (EEG) is worn on your head while you sleep, tracking signals in the brain. It can give greater insight into how your brain functions during sleep periods. Based on the results of the test, Dr.Khan will draft a treatment plan that is unique designed to help manage your sleep disorder symptoms, so you can sleep peacefully.

Sleep Disorder Treatment Available in Casa Grande, Arizona!

If you would like to learn more about treatments for sleep disorders or would like to take the first step towards a good night’s sleep, reach out to the team at the Arizona Institute of Neurology and Polysomnography today. Call our offices or schedule a consultation online!

Written by Shay Ben